b'ment, defeating the Japanese army at Kunlun Pass and killing their com-mander, Major General Masao Nakamura, in the process. In response, the Japanese dispatched their own elite unit, the 21st Bri-gade of the Japanese 5th Division, which had gained notoriety during the Russo-Japanese War and earned itself a fearsome nickname: The Unbreak-able Sword. The fighting was expectedly brutal, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties. Ultimately, the Japanese 21st Brigade would fail to live up to its nickname and suffered a decisive defeat. A staggering 85% of their of-ficers were killed. This battle served as the first major victory for the Chinese army, lifted the morale of the entire country, and ensured the safety of all of southwestern China for the rest of the war. Alongside the Battle of Wuhan, victory at Kunlun helped force a stalemate with Japan. In the coming years, Chinese resistance would keep some 2 million Japanese soldiers occupied while the rest of the Allied forces inched their way closer to the Japanese mainland.To recapture Kunlun Pass, the Chinese military also The photo was taken when thepaid a heavy price with over 5,500 soldiers from Chinese army recaptured thethe 5th Corps killed and over 10,000 injured. After Kunlun Pass. the end of World War II, Du Yuming (), the commander of the 5th Corps, built a monument memorializing the battle.Later that year, Lih Chien was once again tasked with the relocation of the 11th Army Ordnance Factory. Local spies working for the Japanese in-filtrated a nearby village and discovered the location of the once hidden fac-tory. Japanese bombardment commenced shortly thereafter, destroying over 15'