b'Building Community Engagement and International RelationsAs the wife of the chief of staff, our mother also participated in vari-ous events. Like many other generals wives, she became a member of the Womens Federation of the Republic of China, which was founded by Mad-am Chiang Soong May-ling (). The primary objective of this foundation was to help soldiers and their family members with daily living and necessities. In addition to occasionally visiting orphanages or sick sol-diers, Mother went to sewing factories at least once a month to make mili-tary uniforms or bedding for soldiers. Also, from time to time Mother would dress up and attend formal banquets with Father and sometimes hosted dinner parties at home.Mother served as the prize draw person atMother participated in volunteer the joint birthday celebration party for theactivities.three armed.The Joint Logistics Command had a Foreign Affairs Department, respon-sible for communicating and coordinating with the US Military Assistance Advisory Group in Taiwan. Father served as the chief of staff and was pro-ficient in English, so he was the primary contact person with the members of the American advisory group. Not only did they cooperate professionally, but he also formed friendships with some of the officers. My eldest sister, Janie, recalled that Father entertained high-ranking American military of-ficers and their spouses several times at home. At that time, our mother would buy lots of fresh flowers to make beautiful flower arrangements to decorate the house.34'