b'Later, under the suggestion and planning of Lih and General Chiang Wei-kuo () for the purpose of promoting advanced research in in-ternational affairs and strategy and cultivating specialists in this field, the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies was es-tablished at Tamkang University in 1982. This was the first civilian graduate school of the Republic of China and the whole of Asia that provided masters and doctoral degrees in this field. Lih invited his old friend, General Pee Zonggan (), who was the president of the National Defense Universi-ty and had served as the chief military attach in the United States, to be the first director.A Legacy of LeadershipUnder Lihs leadership, along with the dedicated efforts of successive deans of academic affairs and department heads, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences officially achieved university status, becoming Tamkang Uni-versity in 1980. Lih continued to serve at Tamkang University until his retire-ment in 1985 at the age of 78. During that period, he also taught at National TaiwanUniversity()andNa-tional Chengchi Univer-sity(). Helovedteachingand was well-received by the students,whorespect-fully referred to him as Professor General. A photo taken on the Taipei campus of Tamkang University featuring professors and Ph.D. students from the School of Management Science at that time. In the center of the photo stands Vice President of Tamkang University Zhao Rongyao, with Lih positioned on his right.52'