b'During this period, as the Army Ordnance School stood as the sole higher education institution in Hualien, renowned scholars and experts recruited by Chien often held positions in major cities like Taipei and Tainan. Con-sequently, Chien devised a clever arrangement, ensuring their presence in Hualien by coordinating their visits through air travel. They would take turns flying to Hualien to deliver intensive lectures over several days, during which other courses would be temporarily suspended. As a result of this unique arrangement, the students affectionately referred to them as the airplane professors. Chiens commitment to education extended far beyond the recruitment of competent educators; he possessed a fervent dedication to shaping a vi-sionary curriculum. During that era, his pioneering approach of prioritizing specialized subjects such as rocketry and ballistic studies stood out as re-markably progressive.Dr. Liu Hanshou (), a distinguished aerospace expert, graduat-ed from the 14th class of the Engineering College at the Army Ordnance School. In his memoir, he emphasized: During that time, higher education institutions in the United States offered no courses directly related to rock-ets and ballistic studies. As the U.S.-Soviet space race gained momentum, America actively sought out talented individuals; the subjects I studied at the Army Ordnance School granted me a substantial competitive edge.It was thanks to his educational background in Taiwan that when he ap-plied to prestigious universities in the United States, all six schools he ap-plied to (Stanford, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Columbia, and Princeton) accepted his application, granted him full scholarships, and allowed him to directly pursue a Ph.D. After successfully obtaining his Ph.D. from Cornell, he joined NASA and became a member of the seven-person team responsible for designing the trajectory for the Apollo missions between the Earth and the Moon. In Dr. Lius memoir, he also mentioned that the lives of the teachers and students at the Ordnance School in Hualien were extremely difficult at that time. American military advisors once offered to provide equipment and improve the benefits for teachers and students on the condition that the 22'