b'Table of ContentsDedication5Foreword9Part One: A Heroic Lineage: Where Lih Chiens Journey Began10 Family BackgroundEarly Life and EducationMilitary Career and Service in Mainland ChinaFinal Years of the WarPost-WarStepping Up as Principal: A New Era of LeadershipPart Two: Forging Futures and Lih Chiens Visionary Leadership20 Chapter 1: Army Ordnance School in Hualien, Taiwan21 Relocation Amidst TurmoilThe Quest for Excellence in EducationAcademics and BeyondA poem of Strength and Reflection Chapter 2: A Familys Journey to Reunion27The Long Journey to TaiwanBuilding a New Life in HualienAdapting to Natures ForcesRelocating the Army Ordnance SchoolChapter 3: Transition to the Joint Logistics Command 31Further Training in the United StatesRising Through the RanksBuilding community engagement and International RelationsFruits of Dedication: Privileges and Rewards from a Life ofService7'