b'Chien explained the elements of creativity to his students during a lecture.Chien served as principal until his retirement in February 1968. Through-out his tenure, Chien was deeply committed to enhancing the schools ac-ademic quality. He focused on recruiting outstanding faculty, introducing advanced courses, emphasizing the significance of management science, and promoting cooperation between military and civilian educational sectors. Professor Chen Guoyi (), head of the Department of Vehicle En-gineering at Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, acknowledged Chiens substantial contributions in a June 1994 Biography and Literature () magazine article. The article, titled Fang Guangqi () and Lih Chien: The Two Individuals Most Instrumental in the Development of Arms Industry Education and Longest-Serving University Presidents, encapsu-lates the essence of Chiens impact on the Republic of Chinas armament production and educational sectors. Awards and HonorsHaving served in the army for 41 years, Chien received several presti-gious honors, including the Order of the Precious Tripod (), Order of the Resplendent Banner (), Order of Victory (), Order of Loyalty (), and more.45'