b'Throughout his more than twenty years in education, Father nurtured numerous exceptional talents. Many of them were inspired to pursue ca-reers as professors or university presidents while others became influential political figures or leaders in their respective fields. The rapid modernization of Taiwan and its ability to compete in todays world can, to a certain extent, be attributed to their contributions as well as Fathers diligence and fore-sight.Here I would like to quote a paragraph from an article commemorating Father, written by Huaizhu Wang (), who was a student at the Army Institute of Technology. At the end of the article titled Principal Chiens de-meanor of being courteous and respectful to scholars, he summed up Fa-thers contribution to the country which I think is pertinent and accurate:This year marks the 100th birthday of the late General Chien. Here Id like to commemorate this great man who once saved and revitalized our countrys science and technology education.59'