b'In 1958, the Republic of China held its first national military-civilian joint air defense exercise. The Kuomintang had recently lost two smaller islands to the Peoples Republic of China, and fearing that Taiwan island would be next, the government felt it necessary to prepare both civilian and military personnel for a potential imminent invasion. As the technical com-mander of the exercise, Chien designed a hypothetical nuclear attack scenar-io and wrote procedures for how the military and civilians should respond.The military emblem of the Joint Logistics Command of the Republic of China originally featured a three-humped camel. The three humps sym-bolized the Commands support for the three branches of the armed forces, while the camel itself represented hard work, endurance, and reliability.Given that logistics is a crucial component of military power during war-timeoften regarded as the lifeblood of combat operationsthe camel was an apt symbol. Logistics involves the movement of armed forces and ensures they are supplied with essential resourcessuch as fuel, ammunition, food, water, and medical suppliesto carry out their missions. Without effective logistics, sustaining combat operations would be nearly impossible.Recognizing the importance of not just hard work, but also efficiency and professionalism, Chien added a pair of wings to the camel emblem. This modification was intended to inspire soldiers to complete their tasks with greater efficiency. Since then, the officers and soldiers of the Joint Logistics Command have proudly referred to themselves as the flying camels.New Emblem Original Emblem33'