b'Academics and BeyondThe Army Ordnance School operated as a military academy; hence the students daily routines were managed with strict military discipline. To help ease the physical and mental strain experienced by students away from home, Chien invited the esteemed sports coach, Professor Zhang Zhenhai (), to lead diverse athletic activities at the school, and Chien would sometimes join in as well. Professor Zhang brought on one particular promising high school athlete, Yang Chuanguan (), a Taiwanese aborigine, as his aide. Every afternoon, following classes, Professor Zhang organized a range ofsportscompetitionson the athletic field, simultane-ouslyhoningYangChuan-guans skills. After graduat-ing from high school, Yang Chuanguang went to Taipei tojointheJointLogistics trackandfieldteam,intro-duced by Chien. He won the long jump championship at Chien on the athletic field. thenationalarmygames, gaining national recognition and the opportunity to train in the United States. In 1954 and1958,hewonthede-cathlon at the Asian Games, and in 1960 he won the sil-ver medal in the decathlon at the Rome Olympics, making him the first athlete from the Chien is the first one on the left in the front row. Next to him is Yang Chuanguang. The first one onRepublic of China to win an the right in the back row is Coach Zhang. Olympic medal.25'