b'At the same time, my heart overflows with emotions. Life is filled with countless turning points, some seemingly insignificant at the time, yet they can have profound impacts in the future. My father, born into a military family, held the position of a commanding general on the battlefield, lead-ing his troops with remarkable composure. However, he possessed an un-quenchable thirst for knowledge and deeply recognized the significance of technology and talent for a nation. His foresight was acknowledged by his superiors, ultimately guiding him to pursue a career in education.Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if he had not been appointed as the principal of the Army Ordnance School in 1947 and instead remained with the Fifth Corps, known as Chiang Kai-sheks elite unit that made great contributions to the Second Sino-Japanese War. In January of 1949, the Fifth Corps suffered a crushing defeat in the decisive Huaihai Bat-tle of the Civil War () between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Its commander, Du Yuming (), was captured, and only a small number of officers later made it to Taiwan. In such a scenario, my fathers destiny would have taken a different path, and our familys fate would have been altered as well. It is intriguing to ponder what might have been and how it could have impacted our existence.My fathers life was defined by unwavering loyalty to his country, gen-uine care for his subordinates, and unconditional love for his family. An an-cient Chinese proverb encapsulates this beautifully: The family that accu-mulates goodness is sure to have superabundant happiness (). While he may not have left us with great material wealth, the bless-ings he accumulated for us are the most invaluable gift. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to be his daughter.Lastly, I would like to thank my brother, sisters, nieces, and nephews for providing photos, information, and suggestions. I also want to thank Uncle Ke (,) for meticulously organizing my fathers commendation and military service records. My family is the most precious legacy my par-ents have left me.66'