b'Chapter 5: Beginning a New Chapter at Tamkang UniversityFathers Commitment to Science, Education, and the NationGiven my fathers remarkable capabilities and dedication, many who had the opportunity to work with him or witness his achievements and the aptitude with which he accomplished them believed he deserved a higher rank. However, he was a man of integrity, never engaging in political ma-neuvering. His visionary plans for advancing science and technology within the military, combined with his unwavering commitment to the welfare of his studentsensuring they had access to state-of-the-art equipment and opportunitiesforstudyingabroadunfortunatelyprovokedjealousyand criticism from certain interest groups within Taiwans academic and scien-tific circles at the time.Despite these challenges, Father always prioritized the greater good over personal gains. Even when faced with setbacks, his commitment to the nations future development never wavered, and his sincere desire to nur-ture talented individuals for the betterment of the country remained stead-fast. Therefore, after retiring from military service, he stayed passionate and determined to realize his vision in a new environment. As my father pre-pared to embark on the next chapter of his career, his transition to academia became a natural progression of his lifelong dedication to education and national service.A Visionarys Transition to AcademiaIn 1969, Dr. Chang Chien-pang (), the President of Tamkang University, offered Lih the position of Dean of Academic Affairs. Tamkang University initially started as Tamkang English College, and was the first private higher education institution in Taiwan. It had been reorganized into Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences in 1950 (the graduates were award-49'