b'Throughout Lihs military career, he held high expectations for disci-pline among his subordinates, understanding that disciplined soldiers had a greater chance of survival on the battlefield. Nevertheless, he gave equal attention to the emotional well-being of enlisted soldiers. He acknowledged the importance of their mental health and took proactive measures to address and support their emotional needs. While leading the Youth Corps during their training in India, he fostered an environment where students were en-couraged to engage in various activities during their leisure time, such as forming basketball teams, choirs, and debate clubs. He firmly believed that these activities helped to alleviate some of the anxiety and homesickness his soldiers experienced due to the war and being so far and away from home. Lihs genuine care and concern for their well-being earned him profound respect and admiration from the students.Further exploits of this regiment during the remainder of WWII can be found in this article, written by Professor Wen Liming () of the Chi-nese Academy of Social Sciences. Here are some statements from the sol-diers regarding Lihs personality and strength of leadership. Post-WarAfter the surrender of the Japanese, Lihs expertise and dedication were recognized, and he was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Communica-tion and Transportation Division within the Logistics Command of the Army. In this crucial role, he assumed responsibility for overseeing the dispatch and logistics of military vehicles throughout the entire southeastern provinces of China. In mid-1946, he led the military vehicle regiments and orchestrated their return to Nanjing alongside the Nationalist Government.It was during this period that a promising and life-changing opportunity emerged for him. In November of 1946, the military facilitated his partic-ipation in a short-term study course in the United States, which proved to be a significant turning point in his career. The course was conducted at the renowned US Army Ordnance School, located in Aberdeen, Maryland.17'