b'This photo shows Susans family with my father in 1970.My second sister, Susan, is the most artistically talented in our family. She excels at singing, painting, and calligraphy! Spending most of her childhood during the war against Japan, she was frail from a young age. She weighed less than 65 pounds when she was in 7th grade and was a head shorter than our eldest sister. It wasnt until she attended college that she gradually caught up. Despite her gentle and timid demeanor at home, she embodies the strong and determined characteristics that all the Chiens share. This helped her breakthrough gender and regional barriers in Taiwans male-dominated commercial banking sector and became a VP at the Personnel Department.Now 85 years old, every time she sees her dentures, which have been in use for over 50 years and are still in good condition, she feels a deep sense of fatherly love. It was after giving birth to twins that her already weak constitution, possibly due to excessive calcium loss, caused her front teeth to begin to break. As a mother of three and a full-time working woman, she did not spend any energy taking care of herself. It was our father who found a dentist for her and made the appointment, enabling her to get the dentures. This is an act of fatherly love that she will never forget and always be grateful for.87'