b'Settingasidehisworkresponsibilitiesandleavingbehindthedense crowds of Taiwan, Father and Mother not only loved those sightseeing trips with their children and grandchildren but also enjoyed leisurely walks near their home and accompanying us to the park to watch ducks. They valued quality time together and found joy in simple activities that brought them closer to nature and their family.Father also made time to tutor his grandchildren in math, patiently guiding them through their studies with the same diligence and dedication that defined his professional life.Final Words and Lasting LegacyFather had a habit of keeping a diary, and even during his weakest days, he would muster the strength to jot down a short paragraph or even just a single word, like Guan, symbolizing that he recited the Guanyin Sutra that day.On May 8, 1993, he wrote two characters,(ducks), in his diary. That was his last outing and the last words he ever wrote. It carries a poignant significance, symbolizing a memorable moment and perhaps re-flecting the beauty of nature that he cherished.On June 4, 1993, Father peacefully passed away at home. To pray for the well-being of our departed father and for the benefit of her children, my mother started observing a vegetarian diet. She continued this practice until May 25, 2021, when she departed to reunite with our father, who had been waiting for her for many years in the blissful realm of the Western Pure Land.63'