b'My fourth sister, Tammy (Jinxia), has always been an excellent student and well-behaved, never doing anything out of line. Her name is the most unique among our siblings. Out of the six children in our family, five have single-character names, but she has a double-character name. This is because when our mother was giving birth to her, our father dreamed of the Diamond Sutra emitting rays of light, so they named her Jinxia (Golden Rays). In terms of dedication to studying, she is the most like our father. I remember she would always come to our rooftop terrace early in the morning to recite her lessons. As a result, her journey through school entrance exams was smooth, never causing our parents any worry. Additionally, she also resembles our father the most in facial features among our siblings.This photo was taken when she was in high school, wearing our fathers glasses, military uniform and cap. Doesnt she look a bit like a young general? However, the owner of the photo shop didnt buy it, insisting that it must be fake. He said theres no way someone so young could be a general, yet he didnt realize that it was actually this young girl standing right in front of him!90'