b'This photo was taken at Taipei Songshan Airport before departing for the United States.Among the military-funded students in the Republic of China, he set the record for being the oldest at 57 and possessing the highest rank of lieutenant general. Upon his return, he played a pioneering role in introducing manage-ment science to the Army of the Republic of China.This opportunity not only realized Chiens once-abandoned dream of studying abroad, which he had relinquished over twenty years ago due to the perilous state of the country, but also provided him with a pathway to shift his professional domain. He moved from army ordnance to the realm of management science. Consequently, upon his retirement from the military, he continued to engage in the educational career he truly loved, adhering to his original intention of nurturing outstanding talents for the country.Recognizing Fathers Contributions and LegacyUndoubtedly,Fathersabilityanddiligenteffortswereinstrumental in earning him this remarkable opportunity. However, it is essential to ac-knowledge President Chiang Kai-Sheks crucial role in making it happen. Despite being aware that Father was nearing his retirement age, President Chiang granted special permission to facilitate this educational endeavor as a reward.42'