b'A Poem of Strength and ReflectionThe Army Ordnance School stood on a mountain overlooking the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. As a devout Buddhist, Chien often drew inspi-ration from the natural beauty surrounding him and his profound spiritual beliefs.It was during this time, amidst the challenges of relocation and uncer-tainty about the future, that he wrote a poem and inscribed it on the sides of the podium on the school athletic field: Where waters seem to end, embracing myriad realms;With a heroic heart, command a million soldiers.Standing at the oceans edge, he contemplated both the physical vastness before him and the boundless potential within his heart. The myriad realms symbolize the infinite realms of existence in Buddhist philosophy, while the heroic heart represents his unyielding spirit, ready to face any challenge with the strength of a million soldiers.This poem became a source of inspiration for the students at the Army Ordnance School and a constant reminder of his own inner resolve. Despite the uncertainties of the time, he remained steadfast, drawing upon his spiritu-al beliefs and unwavering commitment to his students and his country. It ex-emplified his ability to find clarity and strength in the midst of adversitya quality that defined his leadership throughout his life. 26'