b'This photo was taken sometime in 1971. My eldest sister, Janie, is holding Dean, and my father is holding Linda. In the back row, on the far right, is my eldest brother-in-law, Terry.My eldest sister, Janie, though renowned for her gentle and soft-spoken nature, wields a significant level of respect and authority within our family. We, the younger siblings, always respectfully call her big sister, but starting with our second sister, we address everyone by their names or even nicknames. Each one of us has benefited from her various forms of assistance over the years. Even my son Peter, when he was little, loved going to her house to play with toys. Her early life, marked by periods of war and relocation, paralleled our fathers most challenging professional times. With five younger siblings in the household, it was challenging for her to find exclusive moments with our father.However, it was after our fathers retirement and subsequent move to the United States with our mother that Janie found more opportunities to be with them. Particularly memorable was a time when our mother was away in Taiwan, and our father resided at her house. During this period, they established a routine of daily walks, with our father reciting prayers and Janie by his side. While their conversations were often brief, the walks deepened their bond in an extraordinary and unique way. Janie has expressed profound gratitude for these moments in our fathers later years, treasuring the daily walks they shared. This time remains a cherished and lasting memory for her.86'