b'EpilogueAfter my mothers passing in 2021, I am deeply moved whenever I see the handicrafts she lovingly made for us. Not only are they practical and beautiful, but they also hold immense sentimental value as cherished me-mentos left behind by my mother. Each time I lay my eyes upon them, they evoke a profound sense of connection that continues to endure.Simultaneously, I strongly feel the missed opportunity for the descen-dants who grew up in the United States to have had limited or no chance to spend meaningful time with and truly understand my father, who passed away 30 years ago. The generation of my father lived through the most tu-multuous period in modern Chinese history. He personally experienced and actively participated in numerous significant events that unfolded in Chinas recent past. His dedication and contributions to his country deserve to be known and appreciated by future generations.I recall that after my fathers passing, a brief biography was included in the 11th issue of Biographies of Figures in the Republic of China, compiled by the National History Museum. However, it was written in Chinese. Thus, I contemplated supplementing that brief biography with information I have gradually gathered about my father from various sources in recent years. Once translated into English, my intention was to seek Peters assistance in refining my writing. This way, it would provide an opportunity for descen-dants who can only read English to gain insights into my fathers life as well.However, upon reviewing the initial draft I provided, Peter expressed his concern that the writing seemed monotonous and resembled a textbook rather than effectively conveying the essence of preserving a family history for future generations. I found his point to be valid, and as a result, I have made the decision to largely discard the original text and begin anew with the process of rewriting.In this process, I feel that I have gained a deeper understanding of my fa-thers character and how he navigated through life, and I also feel a stronger connection with him. I believe that this personal growth is the most signifi-cant outcome for me in this process.65'