b'A group photo of family and friends was taken in late 1970. After this, we were not able to take another full family portrait until 1986. This photo also includes the five eldest grandchildren of my parentsThese two photos were taken during Chinese New Year in 1976, in the front yard of our home on Xinyi Road. My second sisters three children have always been very close to our family, especially her twin daughters. Since their school was near our home, they spent much of their elementary and middle school years with us. I remember my father often jokingly quoting an old saying: Grandchildren are like dogs; they eat and then leave. In truth, he was delighted by the lively atmosphere they brought into the house after his own children had grown up and moved out. The bond between the twins and my parents was particularly deep. In my mothers later years, they were extremely caring and attentive, taking great care of her.74'