b'ed BA degrees). Dr. Chang was a visionary when it came to education. He hoped that Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences could eventually be ele-vated to a university. To meet the strict university qualification criteria set by the Ministry of Education was not easy; this would require adding many new departments as well as hiring more highly qualified professors. Dr. Chang was well aware of Lihs passion for education, his foresight regarding the de-velopment of the nation, which was reflected in his design of the curriculum, and his connections in both the military and the education sectors. Dr. Chang believed that Lih would be a significant asset to Tamkangs future develop-ment. Lih greatly admired Dr. Changs enthusiasm for education and happily accepted the position. In retrospect, Lihs decision was indeed very wise. Dr. Chang gave Lih considerable autonomy, and because Tamkang was a private institution, there were fewer bureaucratic restrictions, which Lih felt allowed for highly efficient work.Pioneering Departments and Advanced ProgramsAfter taking the position, Lih promptly began to expand departments in line with anticipated global developmental trends. In 1970 and 1972, he established the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and the Department of Aerospace Engineering, respectively. Notably, the latter became the countrys first aerospace engineering department in a civilian university.Lih may have retired from the military, but his passion for nurturing tal-ent for the defense forces remained undiminished. He firmly believed in the significance of scientific management methods. Whether its guiding armies andweapons,directingprivateenterprises,oroverseeingmanufacturing units, scientific management plays a pivotal role. It is instrumental in tack-ling complex problems, elevating efficiency, trimming costs, and optimizing resource allocation, which is crucial for competitiveness and sustainable de-velopment. As a result of his initiative, in 1972, Tamkang College partnered 50'