b'Furthermore, we were fortunate to frequently obtain front-row seats to watch domestic and international basketball games at the Tri-service Stadi-um (), which was the largest and finest arena of its time. Addition-ally, we had the privilege of enjoying the finest Chinese Opera performances from prime center seats at the National Army Cultural Activity Center ().However, the most unforgettable experience for me was when Father was appointed as the military parade officer for National Day. As a result, we had the exclusive opportunity to sit in the center section of the newly constructed parade viewing platform, positioned in front of the Presidential Palace, to witness the final rehearsal of the grand military parade. It was the first and only time in my life that I saw fighter jets and bomb-ers performing aerial formations up close. Ground troops, military bands, and drum corps marched in perfect unison past the reviewing stand, receiving inspection. The ground trembled as convoys of military vehi-cles,includingarmoredvehiclesandtanks, rolled by, along with missile models that were even larger than I had imagined. This partic-ular event stands out vividly among my cher-ished childhood memories.These are online reference photos from the 1963/1964 National Day military parades.39'