b'with the Ministry of National Defense to establish the Graduate School of Management Science, with Lih serving as its first dean. This endeavor marked a trailblazing collaboration between the military and a civilian academic entity for bestowing academic degrees. Initially, the graduate school only offered masters programs, but by 1975, it introduced the nations first doctoral program in management science. The Graduate School of Management Science at Tamkang University not only accepts applications from students at civilian universities and military officers in the Republic of China but also hosts military officers from other Asian countries who are sent here by their governments for further studies.The Ministry of National Defense awarded a commendation to Tamkang Colleges Graduate School of Management Science in recognition of its ef-forts in training management science talent for the military. Additionally, Lih personally received the Army, Navy and Air Force Certificate of Honor () from President Chiang Kai-Shek for his enthusiastic con-tribution to the co-training of military officers and the promotion of defense management education.On behalf of the Ministry of NationalThe Army, Navy, and Air Force Award from Defense, General Daosi Yan President Chiang Kai-shek.presented the commendation to the Graduate School of Management Science.From left to right: Lih Chien, President of Tamkang University Dr. Chang Chien-pang, General Yan Daosi.51'