b'school stop teaching advanced subjects and adopt the curriculum of Ameri-can ordnance schools, which focused on training ordnance personnel in the production of traditional weapons and logistics support for the armed forces. However, Chien resolutely refused their proposal. The teachers and students of the Ordnance School deeply admired and appreciated Chiens unyielding spirit in providing students with state-of-the-art courses.Of course, Dr. Liu Hanshou is just one of the many talents cultivated by the Ordnance School in various fields. For example, in the field of aeronau-tics, there is also Terry Liu (). He earned a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering in the United States. Before responding to the Taiwanese gov-ernments call for overseas scientific experts to return and serve their home-land by becoming a professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at National Tsing Hua University () in Taiwan, he worked as an aerospace engineer at NASA in Huntsville, Alabama. The photo was taken in 1949 when Chiang Kai-shek inspected the Army Ordnance School, with Chien on the side.23'