b'300 structures and resulting in numerous casualties and fatalities. An escape needed to be made, this time through the Yuan River. After the initial trans-port vessel was intercepted by Japanese forces, Lih Chien assumed personal command of the evacuation team. Under his leadership, he was able to nav-igate their escape through the Japanese aerial assault while at the same time avoiding underwater mines. The factory was able to relocate safely to Chenxi County () and resume production of vital armaments in short time.Final Years of the WarIn late 1943, Chiang Kai-shek agreed to U.S. Major General Claire L. Chennaults proposal and authorized the formation of the Republic of Chi-nas first paratrooper regiment. Lih, who had excellent English proficiency, was assigned to support General Chennault. On January 1, 1944, the para-trooper regiment was officially established in Kunming, and Colonel Lih as-sumed the role of deputy regiment commander.In 1944, Chiang Kai-Shek called for the creation of a new elite army, the Youth Expeditionary Army. Chiang was specifically looking for educated youth to be trained by U.S. commanders and ultimately assist General Joseph Stilwell against the Japanese forces in Burma. He rallied the young men of the country and called for one inch of river and land, one inch of blood, 100,000 youth, and 100,000 troops. The youth of the country responded to the call, with 125,000 passing qualifying tests and enlisting. Lih Chien was given command over his own regiment. Under his leadership, this regi-ment won unprecedented praise for its swiftness and orderliness from the U.S. liaison officers, who stated that Lih Chiens soldiers outperformed any troops passing there. British and American troops are also included. Two U.S. officers and one British officer issued separate memoranda to Lih hon-oring him for his leadership. 16'